Good Neighbor Free Medical Clinic of Beaufort seeks Director of Operations and Outreach
April 19, 2018 | Posted in News
See below for details.
If interested, please attach resume and reply via email to: [email protected]
Job Title: Director of Operations and Outreach
Organization Good Neighbor Free Medical Clinic of Beaufort (nonprofit, free clinic)
Reports to: Board Chair
Salary Range: $35,000 – $45,000 (30 hours a week with flexible scheduling)
- As chief non-medical officer, works with considerableindependence
- Plans,organizesanddirectseffectivenonmedical managementofthe organization
- Responsibleforfinancialand administrative management of the organization
- Responsible for community outreach and maintaining positive, continuing relationships with funding sources, collaborating service partners, faith communities, and human services agencies
- Responsible for managing effective fundraising and maintaining positive donor relations
- Responsible for managing effective grant writing and accurate reporting
- KeepBoardofDirectorsinformedonaregularbasisregardingoperations and needs; makes recommendations to Board for additional policies and procedures
- Maintainsallbusinesslicenses,registrations,certificates,annualmembershipfees,insurancepolicies, and building Lease in goodstandingand current
- Maintains compliance with all non-medical policies of organization
- Leadershipindeveloping andimplementingprograms
- Experienceand success workingwithBoardofDirectors,staff, volunteers, collaborating partners and supporters from diverse backgrounds
- Skill in partnershipbuilding, networking and maintaining positive relationships
- Experience and success in community outreach and public relations
- Strongcriticalthinkingskills and good judgment
- Experience maintaining financial records and documents
- Experience developing effective strategic plans
- Excellentwrittenandoralcommunicationskills
- Accountabilityformanaging deposits, payment of expenses, and managing operations to budget
- Maintenance of financial records and documents
- Accountability for grant funding and donations; and compliance with grant and fundingrequirements
- Securitycontrolin receipt and management of funds
- Provides documentation to Treasurer and independent accountant to achieve accurate and timely monthly financials, payroll, annual financial review and IRS Form 990 submission
- Collaborates with Clinical Director and Treasurer to prepare budgets for Board consideration
- 4-year collegedegree required; higher degree preferred
- Nonprofit leadership preferred
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